Wednesday, February 19, 2014

I am going to create instructions for a jambalaya recipe I have come up with using a few different recipes and adding my own ideas through experimentation over a couple years.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Designing Documents and Web Sites

Wow.  I knew work went into creating documents and web sites but not to the degree that is described in the book.  The goals, planning,and design make sense but learning theory and page design was something that had not occurred to me.  Chunking the data so people will better understand it.  Queuing information to show more emphasis on topic over another.  Filtering the all the different types of information provided to distinguish the differences such as headings, notes, titles, etc.  I was unaware that there is an ethical issue when it comes to using type sizes responsibly.  Excessively small type could look like you are trying to hide information.  It will be interesting to start using some these things in our own document development.

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Project I Topic

I have chosen my passport as the document that I will analyze for the first project.  I decided this would be fitting because I just got on Friday and it is part of the preparations for the Excursions in Geology trip to Iceland I will be going on during spring break with the school.